American Ant Motel

Emma Nigut as Valerie in the Emerson College production. Jackson Lasseter Photography 2018.

Emma Nigut as Valerie in the Emerson College production.
Jackson Lasseter Photography 2018.

For script inquires please contact

NOMINEE: EVVY Award for Best Writing for the Stage

An endless Fourth of July.
Ex-Neo-Nazi Valerie is welcoming her son home after a five year period of estrangement. She's just joined a new hate group, and he wants to be President.

A rumination on being queer and American in the present day, through the lens of an ever-atrophying farce and a Tennessee Williams play gone very wrong.

Development History:
The Blank Theater [2019] dir. by Stan Zimmerman
Arts Garage Inc [2019] dir. by Kev Paley
Emerson College [2018] dir. by Katherine Shaver
Emerson Playwrights Co. [2017] dir. by James La Bella